Your Word, Lord, is my introduction to you.

Who did you say you were?

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am your way, your truth and your life; your life is meaningless without me, your truth is a house built on sand, your way is only a road on a map you have lost. What do you want of me?

The answers to a million questions about time and space, but above all, I suppose, the answer to who I am.

You are mine. Before creation began, I loved you. I formed you in the womb; I gave you life. I opened your eyes on this world that through it you might know me. I gave you beauty and an inner reality that belongs to me alone; a loveliness that a thousand relationships could not reach and a million sins could not destroy.

How do I reach you, Lord?

I've always been here. I am infinitely greater than a million Milky Ways.
But do not deceive yourself,
the heartbeat of the universe has always been close to your own heart.

How do I get to know you, better?

By wanting to.

I do want to, I want to know you.

There are two interlacing, concentric circles in your life.
They weave in and out and around you.
One is your relationship to the people with whom your life is structured
and the other is your relationship to my Word.
I speak to you through the people with whom you live
and I speak to you in Sacred Scripture.

How do I know these things?

You do not know anything until you have participated in it.
Enter into my Word.
It will tell you more about me and about yourself.
Also, it will show you how to live
in a way that you can have respect for yourself and every other living thing;
a life without pretence or pretensions, without fear or shame.