What Makes Us Tick?
We believe, as one heart and mind,

in God our Father,
in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins.
We believe, passionately, in life.
We believe that God gave us life
and we want to give it back to him, completely;  
a poor life, a blessed life, a life in which everything is given away.
A life in which nothing is left frozen or frigid,
nothing is hoarded up or allowed to rust and get mothy.  
A life in which everything is given to God.
A life of empty, open hands willing to give and able to receive;
for God loves to give, wants to give,
and has promised through his Son, to give us all things:

For us there is a time for growth and a time for pruning,
a time for creating and a time for restoring,
a time for birth and a time for learning,
a time for death and a time for rising.
We believe that the Lord leaves none of us tied to the stake of our individuality,
caged by the heredity and early environment,
predisposed helplessly, by the things we have done or which have been done to us.

We, too, came from the same proportion of broken homes,
unhappy family,
wrong choices
and fragile relationships
as the rest of humanity.
And the Lord in his beautiful love has given us a new family.
A family built not on ties of blood and common upbringing
but on his Gospel,
gathered in his presence,
made one with him
and with each other around the table of his self-giving love.
We are a rainbow family, children of the wounded, singing Saint Francis.
Children of Saint Clare, the lady with the mirror under the Cross.
Children of Saint Colette, the pilgrim of truth.
We belong to the family of the Roman Catholic Church
in which there are no foreigners and no strangers. 
We are here for the Lord, and we are here for you.
Our prayer is the love we have for each other. 
It is not just the hours spent daily in choir singing the psalms,
praying the liturgy, reading the Word,
or in silence, adoring the Lord. 
It is the repairing in love of the brokenness of society which we carry within ourselves,
bearing one another’s burdens for the love of God. In loving Jesus, we take Mary as our mother.
We sing her Magnificat.
We find our way forward in the pattern of her Magnificat,
the song in which she praises the God who lifts up the lowly. 
May her “Yes” to God be our own.