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Claresite is for Kids!

dictionary, dik-shun-air-y,
a list of words in alphabetical order with short explanations.
Though this page is really a glossary, gloss-ar-ry, an explanation of terms. It comes from the Greek word glossa meaning tongue (you need your tongue to explain things!)

Okay (see
okay), we shall now get to work! This is a dictionary of Churchspeak, a rare language used by often thoughtless religious people to confuse their friends.



The season of ‘Coming’. The four weeks before Christmas. If you have ever seen an earnest and serious person in billboards which read ‘Repent the Lord is nigh!’ it is the same idea - except that we are waiting in hope and joy!

alphabetical, al-fa-bet-ti-kul
In order of a b c d e f g h i and the other fifteen.

this word means a model of the Nativity (Birth) of Christ with a manger as a bed.

Incarnation, In-kar-nay-shun
This word is used to describe how God the Son, Jesus Christ, being flesh, became human like us.
Flesh is what we are made of, all that muscle and fat.

a long open box or trough for horses or cattle to eat from.

okay, oh-kay, rightly OK, a really odd word from Nineteenth Century American slang meaning orl korrect (not orl Nineteenth Century Americans could spell!)There is a long story about this, including the election campaign of an unheard-of American president called Van Burren, who was known as Old Kinderhook (OK)... But a Dictionary should not send its readers to sleep!

slang, slanhg
Using slang will make you out of date by the time you grow up, like bad spelling it will date you: use sparingly!